Register for a live session!

Our live webinars equip you with the knowledge you need on the most common and complex topics related to aging, special needs, and caregiving.


Cultivating Resilience: A Guide for Caregivers Facing Loss

Tuesday, May 14th, 11 am CST, 45 minutes

Have you ever experienced "anticipatory grief" – anticipating the loss of a loved one before it occurs? Or perhaps you have already endured the loss of someone dear to you?
Zander Keig, a proud Coast Guard Veteran, former caregiver, and accomplished author, is no stranger to these complexities. He’s received multiple awards and honors, including the 2023 LGBTQIA Advocate of the Year, the 2020 NASW National Social Worker of the Year, and the 2018 NASW CA Social Worker of the Year. Through his acclaimed podcast, "The Umbrella Hour," Zander reaches over 100,000 dedicated listeners.
Hear from Zander’s story and join us to discuss how to master resilience in times of change.

Make sure to sign up even if you can't attend live to receive the recording afterwards!


Self Care Journaling

Tuesday, May 21st, 11 am (CST), 45 Minutes

Join us for an hour of self-care journaling with Homethrive Care Guides Erin Schneider and Kelly Estep.
We'll guide you through the basics of journaling, explore its grounding benefits, and lead empowering exercises to reflect on your daily life. Don't forget to bring a journal and a pen!

Make sure to sign up even if you can't attend live to receive the recording afterwards!


Finding Community as a Caregiver

Tuesday, June 4th, 11 am CST, 45 minutes

Feeling a bit isolated as a caregiver? Don’t worry, you’re not alone.
Let’s turn things around and focus on building connections and support.
Join us for an engaging discussion on chosen families, connecting with fellow caregivers, overcoming isolation, and accessing essential resources. Let Care Guides Lauren Kessler and Trish Hobbs lead you through the process of building a supportive social community.

Make sure to sign up even if you can't attend live to receive the recording afterwards!


Creative Writing for Caregivers

Tuesday, June 18th, 11 am (CST), 45 Minutes

Join Kyle Ruffin, author of 'In Stroke’s Shadow: My Caregiver Story,' as she delves into the raw realities of caregiving. Her unfiltered narrative explores the struggles, conflicting expectations, and internal battles that define the caregiver experience.

As caregivers, our focus often centers on the needs of our loved ones, making it challenging to seek support when needed. This session empowers you to explore and reflect on your own caregiver journey, offering permission to express your emotions and experiences through writing.

Kyle's account serves as a beacon of hope for caregivers, particularly caregivers of color. She recognizes the tough challenges and will encourage caregivers to occasionally prioritize themselves to heal.

Make sure to sign up even if you can't attend live to receive the recording afterwards!

Maximize Your Homethrive Benefit

3rd Thursday of every month at 11 am (CT), 30 Minutes

If you care for anyone who needs more help due to age, disability, or a medical condition, Homethrive can help you find a better way forward.
Join us for a live 30-minute session to learn more about how Homethrive can help you reclaim precious time and energy while caring for a loved one. We'll show you how to get the support you need and answer all your questions about Homethrive.

Make sure to sign up even if you can't attend live to receive the recording afterwards!

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